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Ostentation A Word That Demands Attention

Ostentation: A Word That Demands Attention


Ostentatious describes something that is deliberately displayed in a challenging or assertive manner, designed to attract attention and emphasize a point. It is often used to convey something positive or negative in a striking and noticeable way.


The term "ostentatious" originated in the early 1900s as a Latinized form of the noun "ostentation," which is no longer commonly used today. The adjective "ostentatious" retains the meaning of "emphatic" or "blatant," and is often employed to evoke a sense of provocation or defiance.


Ostentatious behavior or language is typically characterized by its bold and attention-grabbing nature. It may involve excessive or exaggerated displays of wealth, power, or status, or it may be used to deliberately provoke or challenge others. In some cases, ostentation can be seen as a form of self-expression or a way to make a statement, while in other contexts it may be perceived as arrogant or distasteful.

Examples of ostentatious behavior include:

  • Wearing flashy jewelry or clothing
  • Driving a luxury car
  • Throwing lavish parties
  • Making grandiose promises
  • Displaying a haughty or arrogant attitude
